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laplace.marglik_training #


marglik_training #

marglik_training(model: Module, train_loader: DataLoader, likelihood: Likelihood | str = CLASSIFICATION, hessian_structure: HessianStructure | str = KRON, backend: Type[CurvatureInterface] = AsdlGGN, optimizer_cls: Type[Optimizer] = Adam, optimizer_kwargs: dict | None = None, scheduler_cls: Type[LRScheduler] | None = None, scheduler_kwargs: dict | None = None, n_epochs: int = 300, lr_hyp: float = 0.1, prior_structure: PriorStructure | str = LAYERWISE, n_epochs_burnin: int = 0, n_hypersteps: int = 10, marglik_frequency: int = 1, prior_prec_init: float = 1.0, sigma_noise_init: float = 1.0, temperature: float = 1.0, fix_sigma_noise: bool = False, progress_bar: bool = False, enable_backprop: bool = False, dict_key_x: str = 'input_ids', dict_key_y: str = 'labels') -> tuple[BaseLaplace, Module, list[Number], list[Number]]

Marginal-likelihood based training (Algorithm 1 in [1]). Optimize model parameters and hyperparameters jointly. Model parameters are optimized to minimize negative log joint (train loss) while hyperparameters minimize negative log marginal likelihood.

This method replaces standard neural network training and adds hyperparameter optimization to the procedure.

The settings of standard training can be controlled by passing train_loader, optimizer_cls, optimizer_kwargs, scheduler_cls, scheduler_kwargs, and n_epochs. The model should return logits, i.e., no softmax should be applied. With likelihood=Likelihood.CLASSIFICATION or Likelihood.REGRESSION, one can choose between categorical likelihood (CrossEntropyLoss) and Gaussian likelihood (MSELoss).

As in [1], we optimize prior precision and, for regression, observation noise using the marginal likelihood. The prior precision structure can be chosen as 'scalar', 'layerwise', or 'diagonal'. 'layerwise' is a good default and available to all Laplace approximations. lr_hyp is the step size of the Adam hyperparameter optimizer, n_hypersteps controls the number of steps for each estimated marginal likelihood, n_epochs_burnin controls how many epochs to skip marginal likelihood estimation, marglik_frequency controls how often to estimate the marginal likelihood (default of 1 re-estimates after every epoch, 5 would estimate every 5-th epoch).


[1] Immer, A., Bauer, M., Fortuin, V., Rätsch, G., Khan, EM. Scalable Marginal Likelihood Estimation for Model Selection in Deep Learning. ICML 2021.


  • model #

    (Module) –

    torch neural network model (needs to comply with Backend choice)

  • train_loader #

    (DataLoader) –

    pytorch dataloader that implements len(train_loader.dataset) to obtain number of data points

  • likelihood #

    (str, default: Likelihood.CLASSIFICATION ) –

    Likelihood.CLASSIFICATION or Likelihood.REGRESSION

  • hessian_structure #

    (('diag', 'kron', 'full'), default: 'diag' ) –

    structure of the Hessian approximation

  • backend #

    (Backend, default: AsdlGGN ) –

    Curvature subclass, e.g. AsdlGGN/AsdlEF or BackPackGGN/BackPackEF

  • optimizer_cls #

    (Optimizer, default: Adam ) –

    optimizer to use for optimizing the neural network parameters togeth with train_loader

  • optimizer_kwargs #

    (dict, default: None ) –

    keyword arguments for optimizer_cls, for example to change learning rate or momentum

  • scheduler_cls #

    (_LRScheduler, default: None ) –

    optionally, a scheduler to use on the learning rate of the optimizer. scheduler.step() is called after every batch of the standard training.

  • scheduler_kwargs #

    (dict, default: None ) –

    keyword arguments for scheduler_cls, e.g. lr_min for CosineAnnealingLR

  • n_epochs #

    (int, default: 300 ) –

    number of epochs to train for

  • lr_hyp #

    (float, default: 0.1 ) –

    Adam learning rate for hyperparameters

  • prior_structure #

    (str, default: 'layerwise' ) –

    structure of the prior. one of ['scalar', 'layerwise', 'diag']

  • n_epochs_burnin #

    (int default=0, default: 0 ) –

    how many epochs to train without estimating and differentiating marglik

  • n_hypersteps #

    (int, default: 10 ) –

    how many steps to take on the hyperparameters when marglik is estimated

  • marglik_frequency #

    (int, default: 1 ) –

    how often to estimate (and differentiate) the marginal likelihood marglik_frequency=1 would be every epoch, marglik_frequency=5 would be every 5 epochs.

  • prior_prec_init #

    (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    initial prior precision

  • sigma_noise_init #

    (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    initial observation noise (for regression only)

  • temperature #

    (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    factor for the likelihood for 'overcounting' data. Might be required for data augmentation.

  • fix_sigma_noise #

    (bool, default: False ) –

    if False, optimize observation noise via marglik otherwise use sigma_noise_init throughout. Only works for regression.

  • progress_bar #

    (bool, default: False ) –

    whether to show a progress bar (updated per epoch) or not

  • enable_backprop #

    (bool, default: False ) –

    make the returned Laplace instance backpropable---useful for e.g. Bayesian optimization.

  • dict_key_x #

    (str, default: 'input_ids' ) –

    The dictionary key under which the input tensor x is stored. Only has effect when the model takes a MutableMapping as the input. Useful for Huggingface LLM models.

  • dict_key_y #

    (str, default: 'labels' ) –

    The dictionary key under which the target tensor y is stored. Only has effect when the model takes a MutableMapping as the input. Useful for Huggingface LLM models.


  • lap ( laplace ) –

    fit Laplace approximation with the best obtained marginal likelihood during training

  • model ( Module ) –

    corresponding model with the MAP parameters

  • margliks ( list ) –

    list of marginal likelihoods obtained during training (to monitor convergence)

  • losses ( list ) –

    list of losses (log joints) obtained during training (to monitor convergence)

Source code in laplace/
def marglik_training(
    model: torch.nn.Module,
    train_loader: DataLoader,
    likelihood: Likelihood | str = Likelihood.CLASSIFICATION,
    hessian_structure: HessianStructure | str = HessianStructure.KRON,
    backend: Type[CurvatureInterface] = AsdlGGN,
    optimizer_cls: Type[Optimizer] = Adam,
    optimizer_kwargs: dict | None = None,
    scheduler_cls: Type[LRScheduler] | None = None,
    scheduler_kwargs: dict | None = None,
    n_epochs: int = 300,
    lr_hyp: float = 1e-1,
    prior_structure: PriorStructure | str = PriorStructure.LAYERWISE,
    n_epochs_burnin: int = 0,
    n_hypersteps: int = 10,
    marglik_frequency: int = 1,
    prior_prec_init: float = 1.0,
    sigma_noise_init: float = 1.0,
    temperature: float = 1.0,
    fix_sigma_noise: bool = False,
    progress_bar: bool = False,
    enable_backprop: bool = False,
    dict_key_x: str = "input_ids",
    dict_key_y: str = "labels",
) -> tuple[BaseLaplace, nn.Module, list[Number], list[Number]]:
    """Marginal-likelihood based training (Algorithm 1 in [1]).
    Optimize model parameters and hyperparameters jointly.
    Model parameters are optimized to minimize negative log joint (train loss)
    while hyperparameters minimize negative log marginal likelihood.

    This method replaces standard neural network training and adds hyperparameter
    optimization to the procedure.

    The settings of standard training can be controlled by passing `train_loader`,
    `optimizer_cls`, `optimizer_kwargs`, `scheduler_cls`, `scheduler_kwargs`, and `n_epochs`.
    The `model` should return logits, i.e., no softmax should be applied.
    With `likelihood=Likelihood.CLASSIFICATION` or `Likelihood.REGRESSION`, one can choose between
    categorical likelihood (CrossEntropyLoss) and Gaussian likelihood (MSELoss).

    As in [1], we optimize prior precision and, for regression, observation noise
    using the marginal likelihood. The prior precision structure can be chosen
    as `'scalar'`, `'layerwise'`, or `'diagonal'`. `'layerwise'` is a good default
    and available to all Laplace approximations. `lr_hyp` is the step size of the
    Adam hyperparameter optimizer, `n_hypersteps` controls the number of steps
    for each estimated marginal likelihood, `n_epochs_burnin` controls how many
    epochs to skip marginal likelihood estimation, `marglik_frequency` controls
    how often to estimate the marginal likelihood (default of 1 re-estimates
    after every epoch, 5 would estimate every 5-th epoch).

    [1] Immer, A., Bauer, M., Fortuin, V., Rätsch, G., Khan, EM.
    [*Scalable Marginal Likelihood Estimation for Model Selection in Deep Learning*](
    ICML 2021.

    model : torch.nn.Module
        torch neural network model (needs to comply with Backend choice)
    train_loader : DataLoader
        pytorch dataloader that implements `len(train_loader.dataset)` to obtain number of data points
    likelihood : str, default=Likelihood.CLASSIFICATION
        Likelihood.CLASSIFICATION or Likelihood.REGRESSION
    hessian_structure : {'diag', 'kron', 'full'}, default='kron'
        structure of the Hessian approximation
    backend : Backend, default=AsdlGGN
        Curvature subclass, e.g. AsdlGGN/AsdlEF or BackPackGGN/BackPackEF
    optimizer_cls : torch.optim.Optimizer, default=Adam
        optimizer to use for optimizing the neural network parameters togeth with `train_loader`
    optimizer_kwargs : dict, default=None
        keyword arguments for `optimizer_cls`, for example to change learning rate or momentum
    scheduler_cls : torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler, default=None
        optionally, a scheduler to use on the learning rate of the optimizer.
        `scheduler.step()` is called after every batch of the standard training.
    scheduler_kwargs : dict, default=None
        keyword arguments for `scheduler_cls`, e.g. `lr_min` for CosineAnnealingLR
    n_epochs : int, default=300
        number of epochs to train for
    lr_hyp : float, default=0.1
        Adam learning rate for hyperparameters
    prior_structure : str, default='layerwise'
        structure of the prior. one of `['scalar', 'layerwise', 'diag']`
    n_epochs_burnin : int default=0
        how many epochs to train without estimating and differentiating marglik
    n_hypersteps : int, default=10
        how many steps to take on the hyperparameters when marglik is estimated
    marglik_frequency : int
        how often to estimate (and differentiate) the marginal likelihood
        `marglik_frequency=1` would be every epoch,
        `marglik_frequency=5` would be every 5 epochs.
    prior_prec_init : float, default=1.0
        initial prior precision
    sigma_noise_init : float, default=1.0
        initial observation noise (for regression only)
    temperature : float, default=1.0
        factor for the likelihood for 'overcounting' data. Might be required for data augmentation.
    fix_sigma_noise: bool, default=False
        if False, optimize observation noise via marglik otherwise use `sigma_noise_init` throughout.
        Only works for regression.
    progress_bar: bool, default=False
        whether to show a progress bar (updated per epoch) or not
    enable_backprop : bool, default=False
        make the returned Laplace instance backpropable---useful for e.g. Bayesian optimization.
    dict_key_x: str, default='input_ids'
        The dictionary key under which the input tensor `x` is stored. Only has effect
        when the model takes a `MutableMapping` as the input. Useful for Huggingface
        LLM models.
    dict_key_y: str, default='labels'
        The dictionary key under which the target tensor `y` is stored. Only has effect
        when the model takes a `MutableMapping` as the input. Useful for Huggingface
        LLM models.

    lap : laplace
        fit Laplace approximation with the best obtained marginal likelihood during training
    model : torch.nn.Module
        corresponding model with the MAP parameters
    margliks : list
        list of marginal likelihoods obtained during training (to monitor convergence)
    losses : list
        list of losses (log joints) obtained during training (to monitor convergence)
    if optimizer_kwargs is not None and "weight_decay" in optimizer_kwargs:
        warnings.warn("Weight decay is handled and optimized. Will be set to 0.")
        optimizer_kwargs["weight_decay"] = 0.0

    # get device, data set size N, number of layers H, number of parameters P
    p = next(model.parameters())
    device, dtype = p.device, p.dtype
    N = len(train_loader.dataset)
    trainable_params = [p for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad]
    H = len(trainable_params)
    P = len(parameters_to_vector(trainable_params))

    # differentiable hyperparameters
    hyperparameters = list()
    # prior precision
    log_prior_prec_init = np.log(temperature * prior_prec_init)
    log_prior_prec = fix_prior_prec_structure(
        log_prior_prec_init, prior_structure, H, P, device, dtype
    log_prior_prec.requires_grad = True

    # set up loss (and observation noise hyperparam)
    if likelihood == Likelihood.CLASSIFICATION:
        criterion = CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="mean")
        sigma_noise = 1.0
    elif likelihood == Likelihood.REGRESSION:
        criterion = MSELoss(reduction="mean")
        log_sigma_noise_init = np.log(sigma_noise_init)
        log_sigma_noise = log_sigma_noise_init * torch.ones(
            1, device=device, dtype=dtype
        log_sigma_noise.requires_grad = True

    # set up model optimizer
    if optimizer_kwargs is None:
        optimizer_kwargs = dict()
    optimizer = optimizer_cls(model.parameters(), **optimizer_kwargs)

    # set up learning rate scheduler
    scheduler = None
    if scheduler_cls is not None:
        if scheduler_kwargs is None:
            scheduler_kwargs = dict()
        scheduler = scheduler_cls(optimizer, **scheduler_kwargs)

    # set up hyperparameter optimizer
    hyper_optimizer = Adam(hyperparameters, lr=lr_hyp)

    best_marglik = np.inf
    best_model_dict = None
    best_precision = None
    losses = list()
    margliks = list()

    pbar = tqdm.trange(
        n_epochs + 1,
        disable=not progress_bar,

    for epoch in pbar:
        epoch_loss = 0
        epoch_perf = 0

        # standard NN training per batch
        for data in train_loader:
            if isinstance(data, MutableMapping):
                X, y = data, data[dict_key_y]
                y =, non_blocking=True)
                X, y = data
                X, y =, non_blocking=True),, non_blocking=True)


            if likelihood == Likelihood.REGRESSION:
                sigma_noise = (
                    if not fix_sigma_noise
                    else sigma_noise_init
                crit_factor = temperature / (2 * sigma_noise**2)
                crit_factor = temperature

            prior_prec = torch.exp(log_prior_prec).detach()
            theta = parameters_to_vector(
                [p for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad]
            delta = expand_prior_precision(prior_prec, model)

            f = model(X)
            loss = criterion(f, y) + (0.5 * (delta * theta) @ theta) / N / crit_factor
            epoch_loss += loss.cpu().item() * len(y)

            if likelihood == Likelihood.REGRESSION:
                epoch_perf += (f.detach() - y).square().sum()
                epoch_perf += torch.sum(torch.argmax(f.detach(), dim=-1) == y).item()

            if scheduler is not None:

        losses.append(epoch_loss / N)

        # compute validation error to report during training
            f"MARGLIK[epoch={epoch}]: network training. Loss={losses[-1]:.3f}."
            + f"Perf={epoch_perf/N:.3f}"

        # only update hyperparameters every marglik_frequency steps after burnin
        if (epoch % marglik_frequency) != 0 or epoch < n_epochs_burnin:

        # optimizer hyperparameters by differentiating marglik
        # 1. fit laplace approximation
        if likelihood == Likelihood.CLASSIFICATION:
            sigma_noise = 1
            sigma_noise = (
                torch.exp(log_sigma_noise) if not fix_sigma_noise else sigma_noise_init
        prior_prec = torch.exp(log_prior_prec)
        lap = Laplace(

        # 2. differentiate wrt. hyperparameters for n_hypersteps
        for _ in range(n_hypersteps):
            if likelihood == Likelihood.CLASSIFICATION or fix_sigma_noise:
                sigma_noise = None
                sigma_noise = torch.exp(log_sigma_noise)
            prior_prec = torch.exp(log_prior_prec)
            marglik = -lap.log_marginal_likelihood(prior_prec, sigma_noise)

        # early stopping on marginal likelihood
        if margliks[-1] < best_marglik:
            best_model_dict = deepcopy(model.state_dict())
            best_precision = deepcopy(prior_prec.detach())
            if likelihood == Likelihood.CLASSIFICATION:
                best_sigma = 1
                best_sigma = (
                    if not fix_sigma_noise
                    else sigma_noise_init
            best_marglik = margliks[-1]
                f"MARGLIK[epoch={epoch}]: marglik optimization. MargLik={best_marglik:.2f}. "
                + "Saving new best model."
                f"MARGLIK[epoch={epoch}]: marglik optimization. MargLik={margliks[-1]:.2f}."
                + f"No improvement over {best_marglik:.2f}"
            )"MARGLIK: finished training. Recover best model and fit Laplace.")

    if best_model_dict is not None:
        sigma_noise = best_sigma
        prior_prec = best_precision"best params: {sigma_noise}, {prior_prec}")

    lap = Laplace(
    return lap, model, margliks, losses